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Day One Witness BombShells

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 , Posted by KizzDaLipz at 11:36 PM

  Witnesses BombShells

1. Kenny Ortega Sent an Email to Randy Phillips voicing his concerns about Michael's health. He also voiced his concerns to Dr. Murray and was told and I loosely quote"  I am the doctor, not you, you stick to directing and let me worry about Michael's health".  

2. Paul Gogaware stated that he made the initial phone call meant to hire Dr Murray on as Michael's physician for his This Is It tour.  Dr. Murray was immediately onboard and when asked about a salary, Murray stated that he had 4 clinics that he would need to close and employees would have to be laid off and he would have to pay them so he initially asked for 5 million dollars. Gongaware said that was out of the question. he said he could hear Michael in the background saying tell him 150 and when asked what he took that to mean, Gongaware state 150,00.  he said murray agreed to that amount.

Food for thought:

Why did Dr. Murray record that phone call?  Was it to make a profit later on if and when their professional relationship came to an end?  Was it to use as a a tool for blackmail or extortion later on down the line? Was he intending to use the recording to play for Michael so he can listen to himself and see the affects that the drugs were having on him?

Did Murray find Michael in  this incoherent state his first day on the job or was Michael like this as a result of some type of treatment that Murray gave him?

Also, why was Michael saying Go, Go?  Was he telling Murray to go because he had his iphone shoved in his face recording him or was that referring to something else. I'm not sure of all the recording apps used on  the iphone but I do know with the voice recorder that comes standard with the mobile device, the earphones need to be plugged into the phone and the mic has to be held in --in order to record. Did Murray actually go through all of this in order to record Michael?

Keeny Ortega apparently had some concerns about Michael and his health, why was no one else seemingly concerned? Did they not care about Michael? Were they only concerned about money and what they could make or get from him? 

 Why didn't anyone  act on Kenny's observation?  At least have Michael evaluated physically and psychologically to make sure that he was healthy enough to handle  all aspects of demand that this concert tour would have on him? 

Why didn't Kenny take it upon himself to take care of Michael? Was his hands tied so to speak?  

During the making of This Is It, why  did Mr. Ortega as well as most of the bigwigs associated with the making of the film insist that Michael was healthy, and in perfect form?  Why did they insist that nothing was wrong and that Michael`was in great shape to tour when by Mr. ortega's own admission, that was not the case -- at least for some of the rehearsals?  

Were they willing to push Michael to any and all limits to insure that these shows would go off without a hitch, regardless of Michael's "state" at the time?  Was their simply too much money at stake to have it any other way?

Let us know your thoughts?  We'd love to know what you think!

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